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How to Deal with the Wrongdoings of Children and Adolescents
in a Way That Builds Their Sense of Responsibility


This cute little app helps
young people compose
apology letters.
Also available in Dutch

Click or tap the image to access the pages
describing the different steps.

Read this to know more about the Steps of Responsibility.

Read the a story about a boy who is coached to take responsibility of his action according to the six stages of the Steps of Responsibility.

Check out Ben Furman's YoutTube channel to find an old video in which Ben explains Steps of Responsibility to students.

Procuded by Ben Furman and Tapani Ahola

Brief Therapy Institute, Helsinki, Finland

Illustrations made by Kai Kujasalo

The English translation and of these web pages, originally published and promoted by the Finnish National Board of Education, has been made possible with the support of the European Commission - Directorate General for Education and Culture -CONNECT Initiative for Mental Health Promotion of Children and Young People and Combating Violent Behaviour of Girls and Boys, more specificly CONNECT fi-006, co-ordinated by Finnish Centre for Health Promotion.

The information contained in this publication does not necessarily reflect the position or the opinion of the European Commission.