1. The teacher introduces the program to the class and the pupils make a decision to take the challenge.
2. The pupils apply from the principal permission to enter phase one of the program.
3. The teacher divides the class into SKILLS TEAMS, consisting of 3-4 pupils who will help and support each other in learning skills.
4. The class picks a skill – out of a list of six basic classroom skills – they want to learn or become better at – as a class – by supporting and helping one another. This phase lasts for 2-3 weeks.
5. Having passed phase one, the class can apply from the principal permission to enter phase two.
6. In phase two each child picks one skill – out of a list of 22 personal skills – that they will learn, or become better at, with the help and support of their skills team. This phase lasts for 3-4 weeks.
7. Once the pupils have learned their skills – or pupils have made substantial progress – the class can apply, from the principal of the school, to get the Skilful Class Certificate which is given to them in a celebration that they have planned together with their teacher.